Immigrant Integration
Public Charge Fact Sheets
Between the Biden administration's decision to drop its litigation defense of the Trump administation's public charge regulation and federal court dismissals of the government's previous appeals, the 2019 Public Charge Rule is no longer in effect. As a result, the 1999 public charge guidance is now in effect. Please see below for fact sheet on the 1999 guidance, created by Protecting Immigrant Families Illinois (PIF-IL).
DACA & TheDream Act
Deep Dive: Get Covered Illinois Open Enrollment (recorded December 2024)
Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) (recorded Fall 2021)
The Application for Benefits Eligibility (ABE) presentation provides an overview of the State of Illinois' online Application for Benefits eligibility (ABE). Part 1 is 12 minutes in length and parts 2 and 3 are 20 minutes in length.
Child Tax Credit (Changes Resulting from ARP) (recorded 06/29/2021)
Navigating Public Benefits for Non-Citizens (recorded 02/16/2021)
Immigrant Eligibility: SNAP and Cash Assistance (recorded 02/22/2021)
Navigating Health Coverage Options: Immigrant Eligibility (recorded 02/25/2021)
Manage My Case (recorded 05/31/2019)
Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors (webinar recording)
Able bodied adults without dependents will be limited to the length of time they can receive SNAP benefits.
Download "Overview" to learn:
Who is affected
How to qualify for increasing the amount of time ABAWDs can receive SNAP benefits
What ABAWDs should do
Time Limits
Download "Time Limits" to learn Client action suggestions for:
People who are chronically homeless
People in drug or alcohol treatment programs
People receiving domestic violence services
People responsible for the care of an incapacitated person
Certain able bodied adults without dependents are exempt from the work requirement.
Download "Exemptions" to learn:
Who qualifies for an exemption
How to request an exemption
What proof is needed for an exemption
Community Resources
Download "Community Resources" for contact information for community resources that may be able to help with the following:
Explain the new rules
Determine if you meet an exemption
Help you find work or training programs
Answer questions
DHS Forms & Information
Interpreter Training Resources
Ch. 9 - Human Services & Legal Settings
State Court Interpreter Additional Practice Materials (National Center for State Courts)