On March 31, 2023, Medicaid will reinstitute the redetermination of eligibility process. Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services will begin mailing renewal notices to the addresses they have on file at the beginning of May 2023 and will continue throughout the year (mailing date will be dependent on a customers renewal date).
Residents run the risk of losing coverage if they do not receive their renewal notice. Residents must update their addresses by the date the notice is sent to avoid lapse in coverage.

On March 31, 2023, Medicaid will reinstitute the redetermination of eligibility process. Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services will begin mailing renewal notices to the addresses they have on file at the beginning of May 2023 and will continue throughout the year (mailing date will be dependent on a customers renewal date).
Residents run the risk of losing coverage if they do not receive their renewal notice. Residents must update their addresses by the date the notice is sent to avoid lapse in coverage.
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Medicaid Redetermination Process to Restart
Please help us mobilize and collaborate our resources to support Medicaid redeterminations by completing a DuPage County Stakeholder Survey at the following link:
Redetermination: What to Expect as the Public Health Emergency Unwinds
On April 12, 2023, WeGo Together for Kids, in partnership with DuPage Federation and DuPage Health Coalition, hosted a training on how to help people navigate the Medicaid Redetermination process. Resources from the meeting can be accessed below.