Four-Star Rating
We are proud to announce that DuPage Federation on Human Services Reform has been awarded a Four-Star Rating from Charity Navigator, America's largest independent charity evaluator. This top distinction reflects our unwavering commitment to financial health, accountability, and transparency, highlighting our dedication to meeting and exceeding industry standards.
This achievement assures our donors and supporters that their contributions are utilized effectively to drive meaningful change within our community; advancing our mission to improve human services in DuPage County and surrounding areas.
We're incredibly grateful to our dedicated team and generous donors for making this achievement possible. Together, we continue to turn values, passions, and beliefs into impactful actions that benefit those we serve.
To learn more about our rating and what it means for our mission, please visit Charity Navigator's website.
​Upcoming Trainings
Summer Alzawawi, Program Director of Public Benefits Access (PBA), will hold live Public Benefits Q&A sessions on the last Thursday of each month from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM via Zoom.
During these live, remote sessions, participants may ask questions pertaining to public benefits and public benefits access. In addition, Summer will spend approximately 10 minute sharing public benefits updates.
Public Benefits Q&A Sessions
UPDATED DESK AID - Income Limits for Public Benefits and ACA Health Insurance Marketplace (current as of 10/20/2024)
We have updated our FPL income limits for Medicaid, Marketplace, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Desk Aid (current as of October 20, 2024). To download a copy of the updated desk aid, select the button below.
Public Benefits Training for Early Childhood Providers
DuPage Federation has developed an interactive training course for providers who are interested in learning the basics of public benefits, specifically Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in order to provide guidance and support to their clients who may benefit from these services. The course includes information that is relevant to providers who serve families with young children including early childhood providers. The training is self-paced and provides the learner with the following information about Medicaid, TANF and SNAP:
What is it?
Who is eligible?
What are the benefits?
How to apply?
The training is free for providers who serve DuPage County residents and $10.00 for providers who do not serve residents of DuPage County. To request access to the training, use the Register button below. Please note, the contact information we ask you to provide will ONLY be used to confirm location and to send you access to the training.